This is a lovely present because I've been bitching for a while to anyone who'll listen about how I want to make my own clothes, but I'm too scared to try any more after a few attempts that haven't come out just how I'd like them (see the Frances dress and the tartan car boot sale dress, both of which are fine in a kind of first-attempt-so-so kind of way). I know it's very defeatist but it's intimidating to be faced with an idea and a pattern and some lovely and/or expensive material and end up with...a giant pile of scraps and an angry face. So it's easier to dream about what you would make if you had the time/money/experience and never actually get around to doing it, for fear of failure. I know all failures are learning processes but at the moment I feel like I'm constantly struggling at uni and the last thing I want to do is come home and struggle with a hobby that's supposed to be relaxing. Hence, more knitting, less sewing.
But, I feel like this little bag of goodies could be the project for me. Look at how simple the instructions are! No terrifying bits of paper to trace or cut, no naps and grains and dashed lines and dots and other bits you don't understand so skip and then later on discover why they were so important. And, the added bonus is that if it works with this lovely piece of yellow gingham, I can make it work with any number of colours and patterns from my stash.
Plus, look at how awesome the bag is! I can't think of a better use for the sport pages to be honest.