Apologies for the grainy pictures, the weather here is still terrible so the light is really gloomy and dark. I'm sure there will be photos to come of me wearing said outfit but I always think my handmade things look nicer if I'm not in the photo, I'm not the most photogenic person.
The bird-print wrap was inspired by yystudio's cashmere wraps but since I don't have a spare $109 lying around, I thought I'd make my own. It matches my cushion covers!
I wanted to be pretty and had to match wedding colours of pale blue and pale green since I'm an usher, but equally I wanted to be warm because it's an April wedding. Since it's snowing around the country right now and the wedding is less than 2 weeks away, I thought I'd err on the side of caution. The dress is made from boiled wool, so is smooth and non-scratchy, but warm and heavy. The shawl is printed cotton on one side and wool on the other, so hopefully overall I'll be warm. I'm pairing them with the vintage shoes I traded for on Etsy a few weeks back and the pattern was the same 1950's retro Simplicity pattern that my tartan dress was made from.