He just eats constantly. The whole way through each episode. It's amazing. In fact, it would make a great drinking game, take a shot every time James puts something in his mouth. You'd be wasted by 12 minutes in.
If nothing else, it's really inspired me to get baking. I baked a loaf of bread after the bread episode and was surprised to find it's way easier than you think it's going to be. Plus kneading is super satisfying and once the dough has risen, you kind of what to put your face in it, it's so smooth and perfect.
See? It's like a doughy pillow
Unfortunately, my baking is not always a success. I guess like knitting and sewing, practice makes perfect and I can hardly expect to bake once every few weeks and be as good as Brendan. I baked the Chocolate Mousse Cake from Green and Black's Chocolate Recipe book for Andrew's birthday last weekend and whilst it tasted amazing, it haemorraged out of the spring clip tin whilst baking and the herniated part burnt onto the sides and base of the tin, meaning I couldn't get the tin open to get it out. In fact, I broke the clip, it was that burnt on. Never fear, I thought to myself, I'll just slip a knife around the edges and turn it out instead. Cue sticky hot chocolately goodness falling out of the tin in several lumps, causing me to curse loudly and spend the next 10 minutes trying to stick it back together.
As you can see, sticking it back together made very little difference, sad face.
So, I cunningly went out and bought a silicone cake tin to try again for Cake Friday at work (my new plan to a) make friends, b) make up for the fact that 70% of the time I don't know what I'm doing and c) apologise for Badger shitting on the mat in dispensary at least once a day), thinking it would solve both the haemorrhage and inability to get it out of the tin in one fell swoop. How wrong I was. Yes, it didn't herniate but sadly it still fell to pieces when I tried to get it out, silicone cake tins are not as easy to use as the label makes out.
This is before I attempted removal, look how beautiful it is. Although I'm sure Paul and Mary would have something to say about the cracks and slight burnination. I don't have an after photo this time, it's too depressing. Though it was gone by 11am so clearly folk weren't fussed by its ugliness. I'm determined to master this recipe, it's so easy and could be a real staple. Because everyone needs a staple chocolate cake recipe, right?
Ugly cakes were what buttercream icing was invented for! It hides a multitude of sins (including the broken carcass of tin emptying fails, of which I'm no stranger either).
If you like baking, I reckon you'll love the Caked Crusader...
Ooo, awesome, thank you! I love a new blog in my blogroll! I also love buttercream icing!
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